869 - The vikings became stronger

The death of Holy Edmund - Anglo-Saxon drawing
The viking army invaded East Anglia again, where many monasteries was burned and looted. The king of East Anglia, Edmund was according to Wormald on the 20 November 869 tied to a tree and then killed in a Viking human sacrifice ritual known as "the blood-eagle", which involved "ripping a victim's lungs out of his rib-cage, and draping them across his shoulders like eagles' wings" and later killed with arrows. New forces arrived and the army was commanded by 5 kings and 5 earls. Halvdan was mentioned as a king, and Ivar and Ubbe among the earls. A winter camp was made in Thetford.
Alphonse de Neuvill 1875 Viking raid
Amlaib attacked Armagh.Norwegian Vikings suffered a defeat against Conor, king of Connaught, near Drogheda. 

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