Peter Nicolai Arbo England 5th January 1066 , The English king Edward the confessor and then earl Harold Godwinson was proclaimed king at Westminster Abbey the day after the 6th. Edward the confessor had promised both Harold and William "Bastard" of Normandy the seat of the throne before he died. Both men were distant relatives to the childless Edward the confessor. When William heard of it he quickly raised an army. Harald Hardrada also claimed the English throne and he was faster than William the bastard and on 8th September,1066 240-300 Viking ships landed on the beaches of Scarborough and began an attempt to gain the English throne. 20th September,1066 Battle of Fulford : Harald Hardrada defeated the English earls Edwin and Walther. 2 days later Harald Hardrada attacked and conquered York. 24th September,1066 Harold Godwinson arrived after marching from London. 25th September,1066 Battle of Stamford bridge Battle of Stamford bridge Harald...
Conan 2 vs William the bastard in the Breton-Norman war England An unexpected ally came to Harald Godwinson. King Harold’s brother Tostig had been deprived of his earldom in Northumbria by Edward in October 1065 France William of Normandy sent word to Brittany, warning them against attacking his lands, because he was backed by the pope. Conan 2 of Brittany said to William that he would take the opportunity to invade, William's army set out for battle. Rivallon 1 of Dol, lord of Coumborg joined William, Outside the monastery of Mont Saint-Michel, two Norman soldiers became mired in quicksand, but Harold Godwinson, saved their lives. William the conqueror`s army chased Conan from Dol-de-Bretagne to Rennes and the Britons finally surrendered at Château de Dinan . William ordered the construction of ships Ireland: Ragnvald Gudrødsson’s son, Echmaracach (‘Horseman’),ruled Dublin+ the Isle of Man, without formally being declared king until his death in 1065....