922 - Ahmed Ibn Fablans expedition

Chieftain, Tormod (Tomrair) Helgason, had come to Ireland and occupied the Viking base in Limerick it led to a longphort on an island at what is now Limerick.  Tormod  probably came from the Viking bases on the Loire river.
Tormod (Tomrair) Helgason controlled the wine route network from the Mediterranean through the Loire valley to Ireland. He also opened the river Shannon to raiders who wanted to plunder. Tormod’s best income was kidnapping. An effective spy network which kept the movements of the clergy and nobles under surveillance, ready to capture them and demand ransom.
The Arab merchant Ibn Fadlan led a trading expedition to trade with Rus traders. He told that the Rus he met by the River Volga carried broad-bladed swords with French decorations. His story and probably untrue rants about the vikings:http://www.sammustafa.com/Resources/Fadlan.pdf
Ibn Fadlan Arab trader

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