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Showing posts from January, 2014

1018 - The king of Denmark died

King Cnut the great by the sea Denmark King Harald 2 died childless, his brother Cnut the great became the new king. Cnut minted coins in Viborg. Harthacnut was born. England A meeting in Oxford between Danes and English took place. Peace was secured. Wulfstan dedicated a church to the souls of the slain on the site of Cnut’s decisive victory at Assandun Italy Battle of Cannae : The Byzantines lead by Basil Boioannes vs Lombards under Melus of Bari. The Lombards had  hired Gilbert Buatère and his Norman cavalry mercenaries. Basil Boioannes had a detachment of elite Varangian Guards. Basil Boioannes won and Gilbert Buatère was slain and the Lombard rebels defeated. Norway Father of Hararld Hardrada, Sigurd syr died. Ukraine The Duke of Poland, defeated Yaroslav the Wise in the Battle of the River Bug. Yaroslav had to retreat to Novgorod ,  and abandon Kiev.

1017 - Eadric Streona was killed at Christmas

Eadric Stretona aka the grasper was killed England Cnut married Ethelred the unready`s widow Emmaof Normandy. He wanted stop Richard 2 of Normandy claim the throne, on behalf of his sons Edward and Alfred. Cnut divided England into the 4 Earldoms of Wessex, Mercia, East Anglia and Northumbria. Cnut created a royal guard of 3000 men. Cnut destroyed a fleet of 30 ships of rebel vikings and in December Eadric Streona was killed by Cnut`s men because of his treachery. Italy In May Melus of Bari began a rebellion, he hired Rainulf Drengot and a band of Norman pilgrims and exiles as to aid in his rebellion. His forces were victorious in 3 pitched battles against the Byzantines. Ukraine : Kiev burned.

1016 - Battle of Asadun

England With the capture of York, Canute the great finished the conquest of Northumberland. Vikings attacked London, but the citizens defense was being led by Edmund Ironside, who after his father Æthelred the unready died in april 1016 was crowned king of England. Cnut the great also proclaimed himself king in a council meeting in Southampton. At the Battle of Brentford King Edmund defeated the Danes, but soon Edmund Ironside managed to escape from London and organize an army prepared for battle. On the 18 october 1016 the two armies met at Ashdon, Essex and the Anglo-saxons was betrayed by one of their own, Eadric Stretona shouted "Brothers in arms let us flee from certain death, or else we will all die, I know how tough the Danes are", his men rolled down their banner and fled the battlefield, the place was named Traitors field on an old map. The raven was probably quite a common emblem among princes. Cnut the Great fought under a raven banner at the battle is menti...