Friday, 25 October 2013

821 Vikings raided Howth

The raids on Ireland were resumed with an attack on Howth, in which a large number of women were captured for ransom. The monasteries on the islets of Wexford Harbour. This would not have been so easy back home in Scandinavia, where women were more independent.

Legendary Queen Thyra inspecting Dannevirke
Females in Viking society
Females were highly respected in Scandinavian society, but originally females could not inherit. This changed when Sweyn Forkbeard became king, she now could inherit a half part together with her husband.The wives were originally meant to join her husband at the pyre, but that changed so it would be a thrall woman. The female were rulers of the household, she learned to sew and spin clothes, but she also learned the art of healing and the knowledge of healing herbs and treatment of wounds. Women were the doctors whom treated wounds. They were also seers and valas and had huge influence. The Muslim and eastern custom of segregation between men and women did not exist in Scandinavian society, the females entered the companionship of males and bid them a cup of the finest mead.

In the late heathen period, where the ancient rigid rules were loosened that set the women free. In the males armor, women participated in the battle and struggles of men and did brave deeds.The women were named shield maiden. The respect these women were shown lifted her own consciousness and strengthened her character. The abilities which she showed off,and her beauty caused the warrior to fall in love with her and respect her. It was a mentality shift from the cynicism which saw only at the maidens family's wealth and reputation. A suitor had to have the acceptance of the maidens parents or if they were dead her brothers or other still alive family members. If a suitor got an yes answer, if was a tradition with a bride run. It was named bryllup, which had it`s origin that a man robbed his bride. Later it became custom that the male paid a sum of money to the brides family, that sum were called mund. It became only a formality, because the male would get the sum back in equipment and the male would also receive a dowry. The wedding were held at the father of the brides house and they were wed under the hammer of Thor.
Vikings reactions to abuse of women and consequences
Among Vikings, it is unacceptable to stalk a free woman or touch her in an inappropriate way or without her consent. If this happens to you, inform your husband or father immediately. Usually, sexual harassment of this kind will prompt them to seek blood vengeance on your behalf.

Women were also protected from abuse at home: no violence against a free woman will be tolerated. If your husband beats you, you can quickly divorce him. The judges will simply ask you to describe three cases of violence before granting a divorce.

This right also applies if your husband is no longer able to provide for the family or has
emigrated, or when sexual intercourse has ceased  then you are allowed to find a new breadwinner. The woman's status in the local community is not diminished by divorce.

Note that your husband may also demand a divorce. This can happen if you do not give him
children or you commit adultery.

Sources: The Icelandic sagas described marriages, The 13th-century Swedish Gutalagen law book lists penalties for different crimes, including fines and the death penalty.

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