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Showing posts from November, 2013

917 - Battle of Tempsford

Battle of Tempsford England A group of Danish vikings moved from Huntingdon to Tempsford where they build a defensive structure, they tried to loot Bedford, but were stopped by an Anglo-Saxon army led by the King Edward the Elder, which had attacked the Danish vikings in East Anglia and south-eastern Mercia in a counterattack.Tempsford was stormed and the Danish king King Guthrum Guthrum was killed, and also the two noble earls Toglos and Manna died, the survivors were captured. Danes were also defeated when the avenging Sigtryg 2 conquered Dublin Mercians under the command of Aethelflaed stormed Derby and Leicester. And Danes located in East Anglia and Mercia were defeated at Wiggingamere . Ireland Sigtryg 2 led a group of Vikings and recaptured Dublin.

916 Egil Skallagrimsson took revenge

Iceland Only 12 years old the legendary skjald and viking Egil Skallagrimson took revenge for his father by killing his father’s house slave. Egil Skallagrimson was born in Borg in Borgarfjord on Iceland between 904 and 910, he was portrayed by  Snorri Sturluson in Egils saga , it describes Egil as a tall violent man with black eyes and dark brows with greed for gold and fighting. He was big, broad-shouldered with a big, red beard and clean-shaven head. With his sword, which was called hoggormen (The Viper) he fought many battles.

915 - Vikings ransomed a bishop

Denmark The grandchild of Olaf, the father to Gorm the old became king. Germany A united Danish and Slav raid in the Hamburg Sprengel area. England Ragnvald and Sigtryg the squint eyed won a battle at Corbridge , and gained control of York. Viking Jorvik 886-954 Ireland Vikings attacked Dublin and regained control from the Irish Wales A large Viking fleet arriving from the Éuropean continent ravaged Gwent as far inland as Archenfield , capturing the bishop of Llandaff , named Cameleac, who was later ransomed by the Wessex king Edward the Elder for a sum of forty pounds.

914 - Vikings occupied Brittany

France A large Norwegian army defeated the Bretons,nobles and Clergy fled to the court of Athelstan. Villages were pillaged and a large part of the population were enslaved. Vikings occupied and raided Brittany until 939. Wales Hroald and Ohtar raided Wales from Brittany they were defeated by Anglo-saxons and Hroald was killed. Ireland A second viking age began. The descendants of Ivar returned and conquered parts of Ireland.Ragnall arrived at Waterford , and founded a base near the River Suir. Ottir the black became the first ruler of Waterford. Between 914 and 922, 4 towns: Waterford, Cork, Dublin, Wexford and Limerick were founded.

913 - Igor became ruler

Ireland A new viking force conquered Dublin, and established Sihtric as king. Ukraine After Helge(Oleg )died Ingvar(Igor) became Prince of the Kiev Rus and ruled from 913-945 Caspian Sea 500 ships with Viking raiders arrived in the Caspian Sea where Rus defeated a Muslim fleet. They raided at Baku, and plundered the regions of Arran, Tabaristan, Beylagan, and Shirvan . Rus raiders looted as much as they could, and took women and children as thralls. Near the Volga river, the Rus' were attacked by Khazars, and their Christian allies, the Rus raiders whom fled were captured or slain by the Burtas and Volga Bulgars. Helge died in the battle.

912 Rus defeated Muslim fleet

Hague-Dick, Normandy The treaty of St-Clair-sur-Epte Normandy Duke Rollo was baptized by the archbishop of Rouen, most of his men was also baptized and Rollo shared his land to his warrior and gave his Duchy laws from Danish practice. Normandy became one of Frances most prosperous provinces, and Rollo was a loyal vassal to the French king. Christianity became more and more widespread among the vikings, all though a lot of the baptized vikings later resented to the more tolerant paganism. Russia Helge and his Rus vikings carried their ships from near Volgograd, the rivers Don to Volga and 500 ships with Viking raiders arrived in the Caspian Sea where Rus defeated a fleet created by the local ruler Ali ibn al-Haitam. The vikings sailed back to Itil, and shared loot with the Khazars as agreed. Iceland Egil Skallagrimsson killed in a furious rage a boy that bullied him.Smashing him on the head with an axe while they were playing and it was said he could compose poem...

911 Duchy of Normandy established

Statue of Rollo France The duchy of Normandy was established, Chartres was attacked by vikings from the Seine area. The citizens of Chartres fought bravely and received help from Paris. After a devastating defeat in front of the city gates the vikings had to cancel the siege and retreat. Charles the simple met with the viking leader Rollo(Rolf) in St. Clair-sur-Epte . Rollo was the son of a Danish chieftain, he was driven out of Denmark according to the Norman medieval historian Dudo . But The Old Norse Kings’ Sagas, an important part of Norwegian and Icelandic history, claim that Rollo and Ganger-Hrólf(Rolf the walker, got the nickname, because he was to big to sit on a Viking horse) are one and the same person. The answer could be answered, when Norwegian and French authorities present the results from this  analysis . Rollo, Duke of Normandy Charles the simple completely legalized the viking control of Normandy, by making Rollo a French duke and gave him the area a...

910 - Battle of Tettenhall

England Edward the Elder with forces from Mercia and Wessex defeated an army of Northumbrian Danelaw Vikings at he Battle of Tettenhall . The Northumbrian Kings Halfdan and Eowils were killed and the viking army suffered heavy casualties. France Aa large fleet of the survivors sailed over from England to Brittany under the leadership of the Viking Earls Ottar and Harald. Ottar and Harald looted an pillaged in Brittany for four years before they travelled back to the British Islands.

909 Edward the elder attacked Northumbria

Edward the Elder ruler of Anglo-Saxons(899-924) England The Anglo-Saxon king revenged Viking raids and he sent an army to loot in Northumbria and also to East Anglia. Viking jewels Tabaristan A second Rus raid to the Caspian Sea happened in 909 or 910 and was probably targeting Abaskun ,Ibn Isfandiyar told that this expedition was with 16 ships.The vikings were defeated and many were captured.

907 - Constantinople attacked

Leo the wise, ruled 886-912 England Edward the elder regained in Chester. Greece Helge (Oleg of Novgorod) and his Slav allies plundered the surrounding countryside of Constantinople. Helge demanded his term for leaving Constantinople that the emperor made a payment to every man in the fleet and to several towns in his territories. The emperor Leo 6 the wise. agreed, and ‘the fleet sailed home with  silk a gold, fruit and wine’ 

906 Peace in England

England A Peace was negotiated between the Viking chieftain Guthrum 2 and Edward of Wessex. There were also regulations of the borders. Se veral vikings were baptized.

905 - Edward won

England The Island was again a scene for battles between Anglo-Saxons and vikings. King Edward(son of Alfred he great) managed to defeat the rebel enemies and during the battles, his cousin Ethelred and the Danish king Eoric(son of Gudrum) died. The Danes in East Anglia chose no new king, but was ruled by earls. Wales Eric, son of King Harald the hairy of Norway, raided Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Brittany the next five year. Did vikings have dreads? no

903 Ingimundr attacked the Welsh

Scotland Ragnall driven out of Ireland landed in Strathclyde to estáblish a new kingdom Wales A raiding party of Vikings referred to as Dub Gint or black pagans under the command of Ingimundr attacked the Welsh in a battle at Ros Meilon or Osmeliavn , perhaps near Holyhead .  

904 Vikings killed the Welsh king Mervyn ap Rhodri Mawr

England Vikings attacked Wessex. Iceland The scald and berserker Egil Skallagrimsson was born at Borg, Western Iceland. His father Skallagrim fled from Norway, the father could not accept the harsh rule of Harald fairhair. Egil’s father Skallagrim and his grandfather Kveldulv (‘Nightwolf’) were also berserkers. The mental state of a berserker was sometimes descended from father to son. The concept of ‘berserk’ was used as the  way of ‘going berserk’ could apply to others than just the members of a warrior brotherhood or it was also used about warriors who not had any animal skins. Scotland Ragnall the expelled viking king from Dublin, tried to establish him self in Strathclyde, but was forced to withdraw. Wales Vikings killed the Welsh king Mervyn ap Rhodri Mawr in a hit and run raid.

902 - Vikings driven out of Dublin

Ireland Irish kings Cerball mac Muirecáin King of Leinster and Máel Findia mac Flannacáin King of Brega attacked the vikings in the longphort Ath Cliath (Dublin) from the north and the south, and they drove the vikings out of the area. Wales Ingimundr and the defeated Dublin Vikings sailed across the sea to Wales. They were opposed by Welsh forces under the command of either Hywel ap Cadell ap Rhodri Mawr or his brother Clydog, driving the Norsemen into the vicinty of Chester. England On December 13 the Anglo-Saxon army in Kent fought the Vikings of East Anglia at the Battle of the Holme. Æthelwold ætheling was killed during the battle and the rebellion against Edward the elder stopped.  Kentish ealdorman Sigewulf, and his kinsman Sigehelm, and almost all the Kentish slain.  For King Edward, however, the pretender, was dead and it would be Edward who in the subsequent decades conquered all of Viking-held England south of the Humber.

901 - Æthelwold ætheling rebelled against his cousin Edward the Elder

England Edward became king of Wessex, but Edwards cousin Æthelwold ætheling made a claim for the throne and was supported by Danish vikings from East Anglia and Northumbria. Gørlev runestone

900 - Edward the Elder new king of Anglo-Saxons

England King Alfred the great made the Spaniard Orsoius Latin world history translate to Anglo-saxon, the book was supplied with extra information about the north European population. Denmark was named Denemarc, but Denmark was not recognized as one kingdom, and there was a difference between the south Danes(Jutland) and the north Danes(The islands and Scania). The information came from the two seafarers Wulfstan of Hedeby and the Norwegian Ohthere of Hålogaland. Wulfstan of Hedeby named Bornholm as an independent kingdom. Alfred the great died 26 October 899 and son Edward the Elder was crowned king of England at Kingston upon Thames the 8th june. Orsoius Latin world history and Vedelspang runestone Inscription "We Asfrid made this runestone,the daughter of Odinkar, after the king Sigtrygg, her and Gnupas son." Denmark A Swedish king Olaf captured the Hedeby area and his sons Gurd and Gnupa ruled that area, but the rest of Denmark was under control of the ...

898 - Charles the simple was in trouble

France The area at Seine and Somme was plundered by vikings. Charles the simple had become ruler after the death of king Odo of Paris, his leadership was bad which made the vikings get further strength, vikings now controlled the Normandy area. Ireland Vikings attacked Armagh and build a camp at Lough Foyle (County Derry) Ukraine  Hungarians attacked the Rus in Kiev . The gold ring from Tissø weighs 1.78 kg. It is from around 900 AD. A wealthy person had this as a personal jewel and as payment in gold. It was buried and the later Icelandic sagas told us about chieftains, that secretly dug down silver and gold, so that they could remain wealthy when they arrived in Valhal.

897 -The Franks was shaken

Frankish Footsoldier from Charlemagnes Chess game France Vikings reached the Loire area England 9 ships from Alfred the greats new fleet attacked 6 Viking longships in the south coast of England near Dorset. The vikings were blocked, and 3 ships tried to break through the English lines. Lashing the Viking boats to their own, the Anglo-Saxons boarded the vikings shipss and killed everyone on board. Some of the ships manage to fleee, 2 of the other 3 were are driven against the Sussex coast. The captured vikings were then taken to Winchester and hanged. Only one Viking ship of survived and sailed to East Anglia.

896 - France suffered

England The last of Hastein`s viking army  dispersed into East Anglia, Northumbria and the Seine area. Wales Vikings have been wintering at Quatford , but in the spring they attacked the Southern Wales kingdoms of Brycheiniog , Gwent , and the Gwynllg region of Glywyssing . Asser recorded that Elisedd of Brycheiniog requested help from Alfred the great , but another reason for this may also be due to pressure from Anarawd ap Rhodri, the powerful king of Gwynedd and Deheubarth who is keen on expanding his areas of control. Dyfed's Hyfaidd ap Bledrig may be another southern Welsh king who, during his lifetime, similarly appeals to Alfred for aid and support to ward off Anarawd. France The viking army in England was finally dissolved and the viking raids halted. Most of the vikings sailed to France, and in France a large army was assembled and Count Odo of Paris and Charles the simple did not have the strength for a ...

895 Hasteins last fight

England Raids by Danish vikings commanded by the infamous Hastein started in the former kingdom of Sussex. The Danes navigated the dragon ships up the River Thames and the River Lea and fortified 32 km north of London. A counter attack on the Danish vikings by a West Saxon army failed, but, Alfred the great managed to construct two forts at both sides of the river to prevent further progress of the viking ships. The Danes realized that they were outnumbered. They retreated north-westwards Midlands to a site on the Severn named Cwatbridge near Bridgnorth. Ireland Vikings were defeated by the Irish men of Louth and Ulidia, Vikings lost 800 men. Orkney Island  Turf-Einar established the Møre family's sovereignty after Danish Vikings had settled. Norway  At Ranheim, about 10 km north of Trondheim in Central Norway. A pagan holy place existed. Wales Danes wintering in Quatbridge in the Severn valley pillage and raid into South Wales, including Brycheiniog,...