1040 - Harold harefoot died

Christian rune stone now part of the church of Alsted, the inscription tell us "Eskel placed these stones, a great memory after Oesten and after his brother the son of Oesten.
Harthacnut prepared to fight his half brother Harold Harefoot, he sailed to Brugge to meet his mother, Emma. Here he was told that Harold harefoot had died the 17th march.
Coin production in Aarhus by Harthacnut.
The English nobles sent a very humble letter, where they asked Harthacnut to enter the empty English throne. And on the 17th June Harthacnut arrived with his mother to Sandwich and shortly after he was crowned king of England.
Sweyn Estridsson looted the Elbe-Weser area as a viking chieftain, he was captured by the Archbishop of Bremen, but was releases after a short period of captivity.
On 1 October 1040, while besieging a rebel castle near Vimoutiers in Normandy, Alan 3 the duke of Brittany suddenly died. According to Orderic Vitalis, he was killed by poisoning given to him from unknown Normans

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